Excellence in Settlement and Integration Services in Saskatchewan.

To support agencies in offering services for immigrants and refugees while engaging stakeholders and representing Saskatchewan settlement agencies nationally.

In an effort to promote the vision and mission of SAISIA as an umbrella organization, the primary goal of SAISIA is to enhance leadership coordination and advocacy on behalf of settlement agencies in Saskatchewan, developing and maintaining strategic, sustainable plans in furtherance of its vision and mission.
Core Values & Guiding Principles
SAISIA works together with its member agencies to ensure excellent quality is provided within their services and activities.
SAISIA works openly with its member agencies, as well as provincial and national stakeholders, leveraging its collective strength to ensure beneficial decisions are made for the Saskatchewan settlement sector and newcomers to Saskatchewan.
SAISIA ensures its focus and mandate remain on newcomer clients to the province. This is achieved through the support and development of its member agencies.
SAISIA has the courage to shape a better future for newcomers to Saskatchewan by making decisions that are grounded in correct principles and in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws with the primary purpose of serving its mandate.
SAISIA believes inter-culturalism is the integration of different cultures within a society that acknowledges the differences, yet its foundation is formed on the changeability of cultures that will create a diverse and unified society.
SAISIA holds itself transparent and responsible for the decisions it makes that affect the organization and its mandate.
SAISIA values respect and dignity, whereby all decisions and actions reflect ethical behavior, diligence, honesty and compassion as we support each other to achieve our goals and outcomes.
SAISIA believes in strategic, outcome-focused community conversations to facilitate learning and meaningful change.
SAISIA believes in embracing the rich dimensions of diversity within all individuals, as we work together in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates the benefits of our differences and similarities.