Janine Hart
Board Member
Janine Hart is the Executive Director of The Humboldt Regional Newcomer Centre Inc. Established in 2009 as a regional Gateway, the centre quickly became a name that both employers, and immigrants sought for excellence in settlement, information, and referrals to mainstream organizations in rural Saskatchewan.
Establishing itself as a non-profit Settlement Providing Organization in 2013, Janine has secured program funding from Federal, provincial, and other resources to promote access to services in small, rural communities; To increase the capacity for inclusivity and equitable opportunities. Partnerships with various provincial stakeholders have been critical to the voice of newcomers in the Humboldt (Central Region), none more so than research into the overview of rural settlement services for LGBTQIA+ Newcomers (available on request).
Throughout the past year Janine has engaged in research groups around the effects of mental health of individuals in small centres. She is trained and representative on the local community VTRA response team, and has recently been accepted onto a master’s in counselling psychology.
Janine currently sits on the recently re-established coordinating committee KAI ROS Prairies North Coordinating Committee, focusing on justice issues in the PNT region